日頃より「RIOT MUSIC」ならびに「Blitz Wing」を応援いただき、誠にありがとうございます。
このたび、弊社運営レーベルBlitz Wing所属の「道明寺ここあ」について、2025年3月6日(木)をもちまして、活動の終了を決定いたしました。
ファンや関係者の皆様におかれましては「RIOT MUSIC」創設以来「道明寺ここあ」の活動に多大なるご声援をいただきましたこと、深く御礼申し上げます。
なお、当該アーティストのYouTubeメンバーシップは 2025年3月末を目途にクローズとさせていただきます。
X(旧Twitter)とYouTube チャンネルはそのまま存続とし、非公開アーカイブやメンバーシップ限定動画に関しましては、精査した後に再公開処理を行わさせていただきます。4月に入ってから多少のラグが発生しますので、予めご容赦くださいませ。
Blitz Wing運営
Notice regarding the end of activities for COCOA DOMYOJI
Thank you for your continued support of RIOT MUSIC and Blitz Wing.
It has been decided that COCOA DOMYOJI activities, from our label Blitz Wing, will end as of Thursday, March 6, 2025.
We would like to share the events that explain the backgrounds for this decision:
- First, the discovery of a breach of contract along with information leaks as the artist was performing under a different name without prior agreement.
- As conversations with her continued, the artist’s physical and mental health diminished.
- Hoping to continue her activities, the decision of suspending her activities from October 24, 2023 was taken to help her recover.
- Unfortunately, since recovery was not achieved, her activities were suspended indefinitely from July 11, 2024.
We have continued to discuss these matters with the artist, however we have been unable to confirm her intention to continue with the contract since we have not received any replies to our communications. Therefore, it has sadly been decided to terminate all COCOA DOMYOJI activities.
We would like to express our deepest gratitude to fans and related parties for the overwhelming support of COCOA DOMYOJI ever since the establishment of RIOT MUSIC.
We are very sorry that an artist who has been active for many years is retiring and sincerely apologize for making this announcement.
The artist’s YouTube memberships will be closed at the end of March 2025.
X (formerly Twitter) and YouTube channel will remain as they are, and private archives and member-only videos will be re-published after careful review. Please be aware that this process may have some delays from April.
We will keep doing our best to thoroughly follow compliance and always keep providing all necessary support and care for all artists.
We once again appreciate your continued support of our artists.
We will greatly appreciate everyone to refrain from directing any questions regarding this matter to our artists.
March 6, 2025 (Thursday)
Blitz Wing Management